Pelvic organ prolapse: the descent or drooping of the bladder, uterus, vagina, small bowel, or rectum. 骨盆器官下垂:膀胱、子宫、阴道、小肠、直肠下垂。
FemaleBecause anatomize, arise a fewFemalePeculiar disease, be like uterine body phlogistic, accessory tumour of prolapse of tilting back ward of phlogistic, uterus, uterus, pelvic cavity. 女性由于解剖及生理特点而产生一些女性特有的疾病,如子宫体炎、附件炎、子宫后倾、子宫脱垂、盆腔肿瘤等。
Pain, numbness or paralysis of lower limb of the contra-lateral side, acute lumbar sprain, cortical polyuria, prolapse of uterus, etc. 对侧下肢痛、麻木、瘫痪,急性腰扭伤,皮层性多尿、夜尿、子宫脱垂等。
Pelvic organ prolapse can mean the falling of the bladder, uterus, vagina or lower bowel. 骨盆器官脱垂意味着膀胱、子宫和阴道的衰退以及肠道功能降低。
For cold and influenza, alternating chill and fever, malaria, fullness in chest and rib cage, irregular menses, prolapse of uterus, and prolapse of rectum. 用于感冒发热,寒热往来,疟疾,肝郁气滞,胸胁胀痛,脱肛,子宫脱垂,月经不不调。
Analysis and Nursing of 66 cases of patients with a drainage tube in the bladder after operating on the prolapse of Uterus 66例子宫脱垂手术留置尿管的分析及护理
A case analysis: one case of postpartum inversion and prolapse of uterus 产后子宫内翻脱垂病例分析
Objective To explore the feasibility and effectiveness of a modified posterior vaginal wall hammock ( PVWH) in the treatment of female pelvic organ prolapse without removal of uterus. 目的探讨应用改良的经后路阴道壁悬吊(PVWH)术治疗盆腔器官脱垂,同时保留子宫,及进行盆底重建的可行性和有效性。
Analysis of 676 cases of operative treatment for prolapse of uterus 手术治疗676例子宫脱垂的分析